search file list
file name
letters of the file's name. File Manager
highlights the first file matching the letters
you typed.
File Errors
When copying or pasting a file that results in another file with the same
name, File Manager adds an extension to indicate the new file is a copy. For
example: if you copy book.brf to a folder that already contains book.brf, the
new file becomes book1.brf and the original book.brf remains unchanged.
If the SD card runs out of space before a file operation completes, File
Manager shows, "Error copying file xxx" where xxx is the file's name.
File Progress
When copying large numbers of files, or large files that can take some time,
File Manager displays progress messages during the copy operation.
If copying a file that takes more than five seconds, File Manager displays,
"Copying xxx (yy%)" where xxx is the name of the file and yy is the
percentage complete. This percentage is updated at least every 10% of the
File Types
Braille files may contain any kind of braille, either six- or eight-dot, in any
language and for any topic. You create these files on a computer with a
translation software package, such as Duxbury or LibLouis, or you create
them in the Editor on the Orbit Reader.
Supported File Types
BRF Translated, formatted braille
displays exact representation
BRL Translated, unformatted braille displays all text
TXT Text
displays eight-dot Computer Braille
In addition to the supported file types, Orbit Reader shows the contents of
any file. Be aware that some files do not contain readable content. This