Wait (;)
The phone dials the phone number, but does not advance to the next series of digits
until the user releases the pause. When the prompt, “Send the following tones?” appears, use the
Navigation key to highlight Yes, then press the OK key Select.
2-Sec Pause (,)
The phone waits two seconds before dialing the next series of digits.
1. From the Home screen, enter the phone number, then press the Right soft key
2. Use the Navigation key to highlight Add 2-sec pause or Add wait, then press the OK key
3. Enter the additional number(s) (e.g., pin number, credit card number, etc.).
4. When you’re finished, press the Right soft key
5. Press the 1 key Add to Contacts.
6. Choose Create contact or Update contact.
7. Use the Navigation key to scroll and enter the contact’s information as necessary.
8. When the entry is complete, press the OK key Save to save the entry.
Allows you to add Contact entries to your list of Favorites to easily view, call, or send messages.
1. From the Home screen, press the Left soft key
2. Use the Navigation key to highlight Favorites and then press the OK key View.
3. Press the OK key Add.
4. Use the Navigation key to scroll through your contacts alphabetically and press the OK key
Select for each of the entries to add.
5. Press the Left soft key
Done. Once you have added Contacts to your Favorites list, the
following options will become available in the Favorites menu:
OK key : View
Left soft key
: Message
Right soft key
: Options to access 1.Add / 2.Remove
Allows you to view your grouped Contacts, add a new group, change the name of a group, or
delete a group.