Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 648 Installation Guide • May 2010
Caution –
The shipping cradle must be attached when the switch is lifted. Failure to
do so will result in major damage to the switch.
Caution –
Do not install any rail-mounted equipment in the Sun Datacenter
InfiniBand Switch 648 rack. Oracle’s Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 648 switches
must be loaded into the rack from the bottom up.
1. Identify the prerequisite and subsequent tasks you must perform in
conjunction with this procedure, to install the switch.
See the table in
“Installation Sequence” on page 20
2. Extend the rack stabilizer and lock it in position (as applicable).
3. Insert the forks of the lifting device fully through the shipping cradle opening.
Make the forks only as narrow as to permit clearance.
4. Lift the switch off the wooden shipping pallet and remove the pallet.