Appendix C (continued)
71SO Overfill Valve in Tank Complete Shut Off Level Worksheet
Important: This is meant to be supplemental worksheet and not a substitute to following the installation
manual instructions. All length measurements are in inches. Please contact the Authority Having Jurisdic-
tion (AHJ) and review local, state, and national codes to determine the regulatory requirements governing
shut-off capacity in your region, as well as take into account other considerations such as extreme tank tilt.
Take the following measurements with the valve in-
stalled in the tank:
Distance from the 71SO inlet tube flange to the cast
lug in the 71SO body (see figures), upper tube length.
the Upper Tube Length must be at least 16” to in-
clude the protective bend in the tube.
(D) = ______________________
Distance from the 71SO inlet tube flange to the top and
bottom of lower tube, valve length.
(W) = _____________
(U) = _____________
Distance from the 71SO inlet tube flange to the bottom
of the tank. Note: If a tank bottom protector is present it
may be necessary to add this thickness to dimension
(OPW 6111 & 61TP models add 0.6”)
(B) = _____________
From the tank calibration chart provided by tank manu-
facturer find the dipstick number (Y) which corresponds
to the 100% volume.
(Y) = _____________
1. To determine complete shut-off percentage:
Subtract upper tube length (D) from distance to tank
bottom (B)
(X) = (B) – (D) + 1.5” =________________________
Using the tank calibration chart provided by the tank
manufacturer determine the tank capacity at the cal-
culated (X) dimension and the 100% volume (Y) tank
(X) tank capacity in gallons
= _______________
(Y) tank capacity in gallons
= _______________
Complete SO% = (X) capacity / (Y) capacity x100
The overfill valve must be installed per AHJ re-
quirements and all applicable local, state, and national
codes. If the overfill valve is set above the allowable
shut-off percentage the overfill valve must be removed
and replaced.
To Tank
(W) Valve
of cut
(U) Valve
top of
Note: This Appendix only applies to valves installed per Appendix C. See Appendix B for the standard valve
installation tank shut off level worksheet.