| 925.215.7315
| 925.215.7315
op LITe 2021 o
op LITe 2021 o
We’re so pleased that you have chosen an OPUS Camper Trailer and we welcome you to the adventure lifestyle. Our goal is
to help every customer push boundaries and explore further, to find and to foster that love for the great outdoors, and with
the help of their Off-Road trailer as a base camp we hope to help our customers find their inner adventurer.
We are committed to providing the highest level of customer service and so we’ve put together this user manual to help
guide you through the process of learning about your new OPUS trailer. We strongly suggest that you review this manual in
its entirety before using your new Opus Camper. Your dealership should be able to answer any questions you have and we
are very happy to assist with any further questions that arise. Getting to know your new camper well and following the guide-
lines, instructions and warnings laid out in this manual will help to ensure that you get the most out of your camper and with
considerate treatment and care it will be your companion for your camping adventures for years to come. We recommend
that you keep this Owner’s Manual with your camper as a reference guide for when you are out on your adventures. If you
need a digital copy of this manual please contact us at OPUS Camper USA and we would be happy to provide you with one.
Here at OPUS we demand a high standard of build in our trailers; to ensure the highest quality our team follow a strict build
and inspection process before delivery. Your dealership will also run their own inspection on the camper before it reaches
you. We encourage you to take the time with your dealer when you collect your trailer to familiarize yourself with the camper
and understand the tests that they have run to ensure that everything is working as it should.
If you suspect your OPUS Camper is not working correctly, please contact your dealer to arrange an appointment. If you are
traveling & experience a problem, please first contact your dealership before any repairs are carried out by a local indepen-
dent service department to ensure that you will still be covered under warranty. Retain all invoices and documentation to
allow for proper reimbursement through your dealer. For appliances, please refer to the appliance manual for support and
warranty assistance.
The OP LITE trailer is designed for recreational use only. We would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the warranty
for your trailer to ensure that your use falls in line with the intended usage covered under warranty. Usage outside of these
terms could reduce or void your warranty. You will find the OPUS warranty information in the back of this user manual. Please
be sure to follow up with your dealership to make sure they have completed and returned the required warranty registration
form to activate your warranty.
Please note that there may be differences in the products or design shown or described in this manual from your camper.
This manual was correct at the time of publication however we promote an on-going improvement process within our builds
and we reserve the right to change the construction or design at any time without the obligation to make these changes on
previous manufactured trailers. If significant changes are made to the design or build of our models we will take the appro-
priate steps to update this manual accordingly for the benefit of our customers. Please contact the OPUS Camper USA team
for a digital copy for our most up to date user manual.
Should you have any questions about your OP4 trailer, no matter how small we are here to help. You can reach us at info@
opuscamper.us or call us on 925.215.7215.
We hope you enjoy your OPUS Camper and we wish you many happy memories
The OPUS Camper Team
1. OP LITE 2021 Owner’s Manual - Ref #OPLV102032021
2. Welcome
3. Contents
4. My OPUS® Camper: VIN & Warranty Activation
5. Specifications
6. Dimensions
7. Dimensions cont.
8. Hitching and Towing
9. Wheels and Brakes
10. Control Panel
11. Set-up Guide (steps 1-4)
12. Set-up Guide (steps 5-8)
13. Set-up Guide (steps 9-12)
14. Set-up Guide (steps 13-16)
15. Set-up Tips
16. Kitchen
17. Fridge / Freezer
18. Pack-down Guide (steps 1-3)
19. Pack-down Guide (steps 4-5)
20. AIR Tent Design
21. Water System
22. Gas System
23. Gas System - WARNINGS
24. Power - 12 volt and 120V
25. Power - 12 volt and 120V
26. AIR Annex
27. AIR Annex cont.
28. Troubleshooting / Options
29. Care and Maintenance
37. Warranty
38. Warranty Cont.
39. Resources