optris CS – E2010-12-A
LED Functions
The green LED can be programmed for the following functions. For the programming the
USB adapter cable
incl. software (option)
is necessary. The factory default setting for the LED is self diagnostic.
LED Alarm
LED lights up if the object temperature exceeds or deceeds an alarm threshold
Automatic aiming support
Sighting feature for an accurate aiming of the CS to hot or cold objects
Self diagnostic
LED is indicating different states of the sensor
Temperature Code indication
Indication of the object temperature via the LED
Automatic Aiming Support
The automatic aiming support helps to adjust the unit to an object which has a temperature different to the
background. If this function is activated via software the sensor is looking for the highest object temperature;
means the threshold value for activating the LED will be automatically tuned.
This works also if the sensor is aimed at a new object (with probably colder temperature). After expiration of a
certain reset time (default setting: 10s) the sensor will adjust the threshold level for activation of the LED new.