1. Safety requirements
All safety instructions must be followed.
All rules and regulations concerning the safe operation of
lasers must be known and applied while installing and
operating manual translation stage.
Even when wearing safety glasses avoid eye contact
with direct or scattered laser light while assembling,
installing and operating the device.
The device should never be exposed to dirt, dust or
While locking the stage with locking screw “LOCK” less
than 0.8 Nm force must be applied, otherwise the
locking mechanism may be harmed. (It is not
recommended to use Allen key)
Do not use more than 0.8 Nm force while
locking the stage with “LOCK” screw.
Do not adjust the platform with adjustment
microscrews while the platform or microscrews are locked. It
may damage the locking mechanism, or any other part of
the translation stage.
> 1 Nm
(Too much torque possible)
Distributed by TOPAG Lasertechnik Gmb
H |
+49 61
1 425978 | [email protected] | www.topag.de