SNAP PAC S-Series User’s Guide
Loading New Firmware
Each SNAP PAC S-series controller contains firmware (sometimes referred to as the
), which is similar to
an operating system. If the firmware should become damaged, or if a new version of the firmware is released,
you can load new firmware to the controller following instructions in the
. You can
also load new firmware via the microSD card, if the controller has one. See
“Updating Firmware” on page 48
Loading new firmware deletes your PAC Control strategy (even if stored to flash memory) and your
persistent variables. Make sure you have
your strategy before loading new firmware.
Using the microSD Card Slot
SNAP PAC controllers with a manufacturing date code of 11/08 (November 2008) and newer
have a microSD card slot in the top of the controller’s case. On a controller with a microSD card
slot, the STAT LED blinks briefly about once every five seconds, indicating that the controller is
checking to see if a card is in place.
Since the first release, card behavior has changed. If you are using firmware older
than R9.0a, follow the instructions in
Using microSD with Older Controller Firmware Technical Note
instead of this document.
To determine firmware version, see
. To download the latest firmware (recommended), go to
and filter by Firmware.
Card Type and Format
Use only cards with the microSD or microSDHC logos (shown above right). Also, be aware that card capacity,
formatting, and filename limits vary depending on your controller, its firmware and loader, and the card type
you are using:
IMPORTANT: Minimum controller firmware version R9.4a and loader version R6.1a are required to use microSDHC
cards. For more information, see
OptoKnowledgeBase article KB83929
Hardware test mode
Press and hold until LED starts
blinking orange rapidly and con-
tinuously (> 5 sec)
Controller restarts.
Any files, strategy, archived strategy, and persistent
variables in RAM and flash memory are erased. I/O
configuration in flash is erased (R-series).
Data files on a microSD card are not affected.
IP addresses are reset to and subnet masks
To recover, restore to fac-
tory defaults as described
above. You also must
reassign the IP address
and subnet mask.
* Example of Restoring factory defaults when a microSD card is present: Suppose the card contains a firmware file but no configuration
or strategy files. Restoring to factory defaults will leave the controller with the firmware from the card and configuration and strategy files
from flash memory. You will not have to reassign an IP address or download a strategy.
Reset type
How to use the reset button
What happens
Controller firmware
Card format
Max card
Filename limits
Firmware 9.4a or higher
loader 6.1a or higher
32 GB
Long names OK
FAT32 or FAT16
2 GB
Long names OK
R9.0a to R9.3e
2 GB
8 dot 3*
Lower than R9.0**
2 GB
8 dot 3*
* All files stored on the microSD card must be named with a maximum of eight characters in the name
plus three characters in the extension (8 dot 3 format), for example: datafile.txt
** The card behaves differently using firmware lower than R9.0. Follow the instructions in