UP-67ETH, UP-127ETH,
UP-247ETH, UP-367ETH
Digital power unit
UP-x7ETH version 1.1
4.9. Paging security auxiliary
It switches:
a) When an announcement that comes from the
PRIORITY analog input is played.
b) When an announcement that comes from the
EMERGENCY analog input is played.
c) When an announcement configured as
PRIORITY and originating from one of the ETH
inputs is played.
d) When a pre-recorded message from the
Coldfire Flash memory of the amplifier is played.
e) When a pre-recorded message from the Flash
memory of the MP3 circuit of the amplifier is
USB input for pre-
recorded messages in MP3 format
This connector allows to access to the amplifier
MP3 Flash memory.
This memory can store files in MP3 format to be
used as pre-recorded messages (see section
4.11. Emergency (EMG) volume
Regulates the level of the signal applied to the
emergency input.
PRE OUT volume
Regulates the level of the PRE OUT output.
4.13. Emergency input (EMERGENCY IN)
Unbalanced local analog input through an RJ45 connector. Its sensitivity is 0 dBu (775mV).
It has absolute priority over any other signal from the amplifier (ETH inputs, PRIORITY and PROGRAM
inputs, and pre-recorded messages activated through the input/output contacts strip).
There are three types of emergency announcement:
Live voice emergency message
: The audio channel of the emergency input is opened when pin
number 6 (speech preference) is connected to pin number 8 (GND) of the connector. Its activation has
priority over any other signal from the amplifier, including the other types of emergency
Pre-recorded Evacuation message:
This is pre-recorded message number 1 in the MP3 Flash
memory of the amplifier. It is activated when pin number 4 is connected to pin number 8 (GND) of the
connector. Its activation has priority over the activation of the pre-warning message and all other
signals from the amplifier.
Pre-recorded Pre-warning message:
This is pre-recorded message number 2 in the MP3 Flash
memory of the amplifier. It is activated when pin number 5 is connected to pin number 8 (GND) of the
connector. Its activation has priority over all signals from the amplifier that are not emergency
Activation of any of the three types of emergency announcement activates the paging security auxiliary
relay (see section 4.9).
The emergency input has a single volume adjustment situated on the back of the unit (see Figure 2, no.
11) and this affects the volume of live voice messages.