Manual for installation and use
Code 131002 EN
2014-02-06 Rev.F
This type of procedure works only with cryosurgical probes equipped with a
thermocouple. The use of inappropriate probes may cause damage to the
system and the patient.
Select a cryosurgical probe
Insert the probe connector into the relative connection on the console. Insert the
connector of the probe thermocouple into the relative connection on the console.
Screw the probe connector onto the console until it is fully tightened.
Wait for the probe cleaning phase (Purge) to finish before beginning the surgical
procedure. The end of the purge phase is accompanied by a sound signal.
Activate the temperature control by pressing the button located next to the
writing TEMP CTRL on the instrument display.
Adjust the application temperature using the buttons located next to the +/- on
the right side of the instrument display.
To start the freezing phase of the probe (Freezing), press the footswitch
connected to the instrument. The attainment of the preset temperature is
accompanied by a sound signal with a duration of about 1s. If the probe does not
reach the preset temperature within 5s, the system automatically enters the
defrosting state (Defrosting), signalling the error with a message and a sound
alarm (High Frequency, 2s, /5).
To start the defrosting phase (Defrosting), release the footswitch connected to
the instrument. The defrosting phase is followed by the pneumatic circuit
draining phase (Venting).
After a few minutes of inactivity, the system performs a new probe cleaning cycle
(Purge) in order to remove the latent humidity inside the pneumatic line of the
cryosurgical probe. To exit from this state, the operator can press the relative
Stop key on the console. To begin the freezing phase of the probe (Freezing), just
press the footswitch connected to the instrument.