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1. WarnIng
This microscope is a scientific precision instrument designed to last for many years with a minimum of maintenance.
It is built to high optical and mechanical standards and to withstand daily use. We remind you that this manual
contains important information on safety and maintenance, and that it must therefore be made accessible to the
instrument users. We decline any responsibility deriving from incorrect instrument use uses that does not comply
with this manual.
2. SyMbolS anD ConventIonS
The following chart is an illustrated glossary of the symbols that are used in this manual.
This symbol indicates a potential risk and alerts you to proceed with caution.
eleCtrICal SHoCK
This symbol indicates a risk of electrical shock.
3. Safety InforMatIon
avoiding electrical Shock
Before plugging in the power supply, make sure that the supplying voltage of your region matches with the
operation voltage of the equipment and that the lamp switch is in off position. Users should observe all safety
regulations of the region. The equipment has acquired the CE safety label. However, users have full responsibility
to use this equipment safely. Please follow the guidelines below, and read this manual in its entirety to ensure
safe operation of the unit.
4. IntenDeD uSe
For research and teaching use only. Not intended for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use.
1. WarnIng
2. SyMbolS anD ConventIonS
3. Safety InforMatIon
4. IntenDeD uSe
5 C-HP baSIC featureS
5.1 Quick Instructions for C-HP camera
5.2 uSb video Mode
5.3 HDMI Mode
6 C-HP uSer InterfaCe (uI) anD ItS funCtIonS
6.1 the Camera Control Panel
6.2 Icons and functions of the Camera Control toolbar
6.3 the Measurement toolbar