tion Mode
Working in Frame Integra
When in frame integration mode your Opticstar camera w
images under very low lighting conditions. CCD s
1/50,1/60 ~1/2000 second shutter speed, hence the minim
LUX with a F1.2 lens at 5600k.
Your O
ill be able to capture colour
ensors in general operate on
um sensitivity is around 3
pticstar frame integration camera will drive CCD shutter speed to up to 2.5 a
econd per frame (450C/650C: 2.5 seconds, 450CD: 1 second) controllable by the
CCD will capture.
n cameras use selected Sony
CDs found in other cameras.
es cameras employ a special CCD capable of producing
xcellent quality images.
his is accessible via the push-button cursor keys and selection
amera will automatically increase AGC gain to return video levels back to 100
will cause the shutter speed to drop from
/60 to 1/30, 1/15, 1/8 1/4 1/2, 1, 2.5 (450C/650C) seconds.
hot pixels will also
crease, less so in the 450CD. The built-in adaptive noise cancellation circuit will
compensate but noise may still be evident even at x8 frame integration values.
user. The longer the shutter is open, the more photons the
In addition Opticstar 450C and 650C frame integratio
EX-view CCDs that are 4 times more sensitive than C
Equally the 450CD seri
This in conjunction with x32 or x128 frame integration mode provide a very high
level of low light performance in general out-performing Sony Super HAD CCDs for
example by a factor of two.
In addition the 450CD series are capable of very high quality images because of a
double memory store and integrated circuitry that’s greatly reduces noise and smear,
manages well complex lighting conditions while taking advantage of the camera’s
unusually high dynamic range.
Frame Integration Mode
Frame integration mode can be switched on and set using the On-
Screen Display (OSD).
button on the back of your Opticstar camera.
With frame integration mode switched on as incoming light becomes weaker t
IRE. Once AGC reaches maximum and is no longer able to sustain 100IRE frame
integration will engage automatically. This
As frame integration values increase the number of undesirable
nder these circumstances you will need to switch on the cooling feature of you
pticstar camera that will keep the CCD at temperatures that will greatly reduce o
ven eliminate hot pixels. This can be achieved through a control on the side of you
pticstar camera. Only VORTEX and ICE models include cooling subsystems.
© Opticstar Ltd 2003, 2004