OPI 2201
Specifications Manual
16. Trigger and Read Options
The OPI 2201has read and trigger settings as follows:
16.1. Trigger Modes
Disabled: When this option is selected, the reader will stay on all the time.
Enabled: After receiving a trigger signal, the barcode reader will turn on and the read
cycle starts. The reader will stay on for a time as set in 'Read time options'. The trigger
signal can be initiated in the following ways:
Manual mode: When the trigger key is pressed, the read cycle starts.
Auto trigger mode: The read cycle automatically starts when a trigger signal is received
via sensor detection.
16.2. Read Modes
Single read mode: When a symbol has been decoded, the reader will be turned off. The
reader must be triggered again to read another symbol. This option and 'Disable trigger'
cannot be programmed at the same time.
Multiple read mode: When a symbol has been decoded, the reader will stay on for a time
(set by 'Read time options') or indefinitely, if the trigger switch has been disabled. The
same symbol can only be decoded again after the symbol has not been detected for a set
number of scans (multiple read reset time).
Continuous read mode: The reader will produce as much data as it can decode even if it
is reading the same symbol. This mode is mainly used for demonstration and diagnosis.