Reading and navigating with the Magnification Feature Pack
You can navigate to the next or previous line of the text by pressing the Up or Down arrow keys.
To move a screen up in a document, press the Play / Pause button together with the Up arrow
key. To move to the next screen, press the Play / Pause button together with the Down arrow key.
In page overview, Play / Pause together with the up or down arrow will navigate to the previous or
next bullet or text zone. To go to the start or end of the document, use the Left plus Up arrow keys
or Right plus Down arrow keys respectively. If you are reading a book press the Play / Pause
button in conjunction with the Right arrow key to go to the next page. To go to the previous page,
press the Play / Pause button with the Left arrow key.
By default the ClearReader
will recognize columns. If you wish to disable the column recognition
to read tables, press and hold the Play/Pause button and press the View button.
To start or stop reading, press the Play / Pause button. While reading, the text will scroll
automatically. To decrease the reading / scrolling speed, press the Left arrow key. Alternatively,
press the Right arrow key to increase the reading / scrolling speed.
In case no monitor is connected to the ClearReader
, pressing the View button will announce the
page orientation.