CIA-575-001 Rev 1.0
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P a g e
Relay Outputs
: Each relay has a Normally Closed (NC), a Common and a Normally Open (NO) connection.
Depending on the need, wire to the common and either the NC or NO. On board LED’s are provided to
show if the relay is activated. Typical gate operators require a normally open contact. Some electric door
strikes require a normally closed contact. If door strikes are used it is recommended that they be DC
(typically 12V) so that a shunting diode must then be installed across the solenoid to prevent ground spikes
from disrupting the keypad communication.
Contact Type
Single Ag-Alloy (Cd Free)
Rated Load
5A (NO) / 3A (NC) @ 30VDC
Max Switching Voltage
Max Switching Current
5A (NO) / 3A (NC)
: Each Input has a Ground Connection (G) and a Sense Connection (1) . The sense connections are
marked 1-4 and will source a small voltage at high impedance. Wire any dry contact across a sense pin
and a G pin. Closing the contact will energize the input. On board LED’s are provided to show if the input
is activated.
Speaker and Call Button:
These cables are factory installed but are shown in the figure above for
: The PCB provides a simple way to attach the intercom cable to the speaker and the call button.
Typically 2 wires are only present although a 3
can be present. With two wires the interface supports both
Aiphone LEF and NEM systems. The 3
wire (green), if present, is to be wired to the E connection along
with the black wire.
Earth Ground:
The earth ground wire should be. To connect the ground wire, run an insulated copper wire
(preferably color green) from a grounded water pipe or from a copper rod in the ground to the keypad and
connect it to the green earth ground wire using a wire nut. The enclosures earth wire is connected to the
stud in the floor of the enclosure using a screw with a star washer. This installation must meet applicable
code as the type of wire, depth of burial, and size of the rod may vary by municipality.
wires (Typically used for earth ground) cannot be located inside the unit’s case. Make connections for an
uninsulated ground wire outside the enclosure.
Pinhole camera Option.
Video signal cable is part of the accessory device and not discussed herein. The
keypad does have accessory power (12V as well as 5V) that can power a pinhole camera. This will give
the best possible picture from the keypad camera. Pinhole camera power is supplied by the keypad circuit
board. Depending on which camera is used a custom mounting bracket may be required.