CIA-575-001 Rev 1.0
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P a g e
The keypad is designed to request access to or from a secured area. It operates in conjunction
with a controller that contains the list of access codes and areas these codes are valid for. The controller
communicates with a master database that exists centrally accessible via the internet. The central database
is the source of the access code to access area and access time correlation as well as all configuration
information. The controller will operate standalone using cached data if internet connectivity is lost however
no changes in access codes or configuration are possible until internet connectivity to the master database
is restored.
The Keypad can be used to control gate access, building access, room access, elevator access, lighting
and other security related functions that are relay driven however all of the control logic must be configured
in the central controller. Please refer to the user’s manual for the controller in conjunction with this manual.
Similarly mounting height and locations for keypads must match local codes regarding handicap access,
emergency as well as other regulations. Please see Appendix A for details for common practice mounting
diagrams and ADA driven mounting requirements.
Physical Installation and Mounting
The following are instructions on installing a keypad and connecting
the wiring run from the system controller:
1. Open the device by unlocking the security lock on the bottom of the keypad. Then remove the
four stainless steel machine screws on the front of the keypad case using a 3mm hex key. The
front plate will pivot down as it is hinged at the bottom.
2. Mount the back plate to the desired keypad location using the three-keyed holes in the back
panel. If the keypad is being mounted on a factory provided gooseneck, use the provided gasket
between gooseneck stand and keypad enclosure. If the keypad is being mounted on a wall,
before mounting, run a bead of silicone in a square around the back of the keypad about ½ inch