Note: Although some boards do provide a power source, using that would compromise the isolation. OPAL-RT recommends using external power
source: the user must connect the power wires (provided) to either a 5 or 12 V power source. Make sure that the Vuser source switch on the
loopback board is set to “External”.
The breakout board provided allows users to access each pin of the DB37 separately through the screw terminals. Simply insert the breakout board DB37
connector onto the desired DB37 connector on the simulator.
Refer to the system description document or the user manual of the
installed in the system for exact pin assignments.
Connecting the Synchronization Cable
The OP5700 offers two synchronization options: via optical fiber (recommended) or via legacy copper cable.
The synchronization link must be daisy-chained between all chassis participating in the simulation. The system which is configured to be the Master of the
synchronization in the RT-LAB or HYPERSIM software is the head of the daisy-chain, and the synchronization cable must be connected in the TX output
of this system.
The other end must be connected to the RX input of the second system to be synchronized (configured as Slave in the software). If there are more than
two systems to synchronize, another cable must be installed between the TX output of the second system and the RX input of the third system, etc. until
the last system.
The figure below shows the connection via optical fiber :
Note: Synchronization cables are not required between an OP5707 and remote I/O chassis connected via MuSE since the synchronization link is
integrated into the MuSe link.