Adding expansion units
The expansion units must be added to the central so that they
will be monitored periodically.
Up to 8 expansion units can be added.
To add and expansion unit, proceed as follows:
Press the button
(L) on the security central 2 times:
the state LED (E) blinks red and the expansion LED (I)
lights up.
If there are already expansion units installed, the LEDs
of the occupied positions light up (possible positions 1 to
By pressing OK (M) you can successively select the
memory location of the new unit: the LED (1 to 8) blinks.
If the expansion unit it is already installed the Bus LED
(green) of the expansion unit also blinks and the OLED
keypad shows the serial number of the unit.
Now enter the installer code (9-digit code) on the keypad
of the expansion unit, select the “Install C4ZON” option,
, the message “Done” is shown. The unit is
installed in the selected position, replacing any unit that
was eventually installed on that position.
To exit press repeatedly the key
(L) until the Power
LED (A) or State LED (E) become green.
Removing expansion units
The expansion units can be removed from the central if they
are no longer needed. For this proceed as follows:
(L) on the security central for more than 2
seconds: the power LED (A) blinks red.
Press again
(L) on the central: the expansion LED (I)
lights up as well as the LEDs of the positions that are
already occupied.
Choose the memory position of the unit you wish to
remove: the respective LED blinks as well as the bus LED
(green) on the unit.
Now, press the PROG key on the unit you wish to
remove or keep the
(L) key pressed during 5 seconds:
the respective unit is removed.
To exit press repeatedly
(L) until the LEDs Power(A) or
State (E) become green.