Pic. 3
3 Administrator’s Page
7) Click “Network Setting’ in left menu on [Pic..3-3], [Pic. 3-4] appears.
8) Click ‘Static IP Address’ in ‘IP Setting’ of [Pic. 3-4], and input IP Address, Subnet Mask,
Default Gateway according to Network environment to connected OPN -815/825.
9) For setting of ‘DNS Server’, input DNS Address to fit with Network Environment to set.
(Default Address of OPN -815/825 is DNS Address of ‘Dacom’, ’Cryptotelecom’). Use
DNS value normally set in PC.
10) DNS Address should be necessarily input.
11) In case of installation without IP sharing device under Static IP, tick on ‘Enable’ of
‘Direct Connect’. The ‘Direct Connect’ option makes direct connection to IP set on Video connection
through Web Viewer. (
But not tick ‘Enable' in case of installation under IP Sharing Device.
12) Click ‘Save’ Button of [3-4] to save setting value.