Copy this information and paste it on the Google Chrome browser on your laptop, computer, mac or mobile
phone. This will bring you to a login page. From the top right corner select English as your default language. Enter
your login credentials to access the management software. Default Login credentials are given below
Username: admin
Password: 123456
To establish connection between your GoSafe device and its management software, plug in a mouse to your
GoSafe device. Make sure this mouse has a scrolling wheel on it. Now do a middle click on the mouse, inside the
GoSafe app. To do a middle click, press the scrolling wheel inwards. Now enter password and click on login
management. Click on login and input the IP address in the dialogue box and click login.
Make sure that you only type the highlighted part in the dialogue box of the login management of the GoSafe
device i.e (IP address which in the example above is
This document is a quick start guide to help you with the initial set up of the unit. For more detailed and in-
depth instructions of how to use the application and features, please visit our website:
https://www.onescreensolutions.com or send us an email at
. You may
also reach us at our toll free helpline at 855-898-8111.