KP100L Quick Installation Guideline
Thank you for choosing the KP100L Grid Connect Photovoltaic Inverter (hereinafter called "the
KP100L"). This Quick Installation Guideline (hereinafter called "QIG") describes essential information
regarding installation of the KP100L.
The KP100L is designed for use in Grid Connect Solar Systems. The installation must always be
carried out by qualified personnel with knowledge of electrical systems and according to national
standards for electrical installations.
The software and the protective functions are not accessible and/or changeable to the user.
• This QIG is intended for: Users and Installers of the KP100L
• Read this QIG carefully and make sure that you understand it well to ensure that you are using the
KP100L correctly.
• Keep this QIG in a safe location so that it is available for reference when required.
• For mode detail description such as function, performance, and usage of the KP100L, refer to the
User’s manual of the KP100L.