Recommended parameter settings during verification
The software tool is optimal for the pre-verification and makes it easier to set parameters and collect data. A sample data
collection program that utilizes the NJ/NX-series is available in case a PC cannot be set up at the site.
URL of the [K6CM] Sample Program for the NJ/NX-series
Depending on the stability of the load and periodic vibration of the equipment, the measured values may vary widely.
Variations in the measured values may cause abnormalities that you want to detect to be missed. The trigger function and
moving average times settings can be used to decrease the variations. However, setting the moving average times at the
stage of advance verification and performing averaging may result in failure to notice the variation. To make the magni
tude of the variation clear during advance verification, we recommend setting the moving average times as shown in the
table below.
Moving average times
Data name
Recommended settings
Moving average times (Ci1)
3: 8 times
0: OFF
Moving average times (except Ci1)
0: OFF
0: OFF
Refer to: Monitoring cycle (dedicated tool)
Click the monitoring setting button (
) in the software tool, set [Monitoring cycle] in the screen below to 5 seconds,
and take the measurement. By monitoring at a short cycle, the magnitude of variations in the measured values can be
made clear.
Using this pull down list allows
you to change the unit of
monitoring cycle.
Selectable units are seconds,
minutes, hours, and days.
Prior data collection and analysis
When you have finished setting the recommended parameters for the pre-verification, click the start monitoring button
) in the software tool
to begin monitoring.
When you have collected some data, click the monitoring OFF button (
) to stop monitoring.
Analyze the data you collected, and readjust the verification parameters.
It is recommended that a day or more of data be collected to determine the optimal timing for collecting data during actual
operation and to conduct a comparison verification.
Collection of comparison data
Collect data for comparison. Conduct this process under the same measurement conditions as the pre-verification.
It is recommended that a day or more of data be collected for comparison.