Description of Modes
Protect Level
To enter the Protect Level, simultaneously press the
Keys for at least 3 s in the Operation Level or Adjustment Level.
The Protect Level is for preventing unwanted or accidental
modification of parameters. Protected levels will not be displayed,
and so the parameters in that level cannot be modified.
Operation Level
This level is displayed first when you turn ON the power to the
E5ZN. You can move to the Protect Level, Initial Setting Level, or
Adjustment Level from this level.
During operation, the PV, SP, and MV can be monitored, and the
SP, alarm value, upper limit alarm and lower limit alarm can be
monitored and modified.
Adjustment Level
To enter the Adjustment Level, press the
Key for less than 1 s.
This level is for entering set values and offset values for control.
The level contains parameters for setting the auto-tuning,
communications writing ON/OFF, hysteresis, multi-SP, input
correction values, heater burnout alarm (HBA) settings, PID
constants, etc. You can move to the top parameter of the Initial
Setting Level and Operation Level from here.
Initial Setting Level
To enter the Initial Setting Level, press the
Key for at least 3 s in
the Operation Level or Adjustment Level. The first display flashes
after 1 s. The Initial Setting Level is for specifying the input type,
selecting the control method, setting the control period, setting
direct/reverse operation, and selecting the alarm type. You can
move to the Advanced Function Setting Level or Communications
Setting Level from this level. To return to the Operation Level, press
Key for at least 1 s. To move to the Communications Setup
Level, press the
Key for less than 1 s.
(The display will be blank ("
") when you move from the Initial
Setting Level to the Operation Level.)
Advanced Function Setting Level
To enter the Advanced Function Setting Level, you must enter 0 for
the Initial Setting/Communications Protection parameter in Protect
Level, and then enter the password (
169) in the Initial Setting
You can move only to the Initial Setting Level from the Advanced
Function Setting Level.
The Advanced Function Setting Level sets the MV limits, event
input assignments, standby sequences, alarm hysteresis, and other
Communications Setting Level
To enter the Communications Setting Level, press the
Key for
less than 1 s in the Initial Setting Level. When the communications
settings are to be used, set the communications conditions in this
level. Communications with a host device (e.g., computer) enables
SPs to be read and written, and MVs to be monitored.