Chapter 2: Operational Safety
HD-1500. Provide adequate slack in all cables, or include connectors. Also, provide
adequate strain relief where more flexibility is required.
Label all cables for accurate reconnection.
Payload Dimensions and Design
To maintain safe operation of the AMR when adding a payload, the following considerations
might apply.
Avoid Projections and Overhangs
Your payload structure should not overhang or project beyond the outer dimensions of the plat-
form. Doing so might place parts of the structure outside the safety envelope provided by the
safety lasers.
If you do design an overhanging payload, you must:
Contact your OMRON representative to change the size of the safety
scanning lasers' safety zones.
Repeat the safety commissioning. For instructions on how to perform
safety commissioning, refer to
HD-1500 Platform User's Manual (Cat. No.
Modify the
Robot Physical: General
parameters to change the AMR's
width, LengthFront, LengthRear, and potentially its Radius. Refer to:
Fleet Operations Workspace Core User's Manual (Cat. No. I635)
When making these modifications, ensure that the AMR's accurate
dimensions are used during path planning and obstacle avoidance.
Side lasers are useful if the overhang might cause the AMR to encounter obstacles that are not
visible to the safety scanning lasers, or the low lasers.
Do Not Block AMR Lasers
The entire payload, and anything it carries, must be kept higher than the top of
the platform. If the payload blocks any of the HD-1500's sensors, it cannot func-
tion correctly. This is important in the case of the side lasers.
The optional side lasers are mounted sideways to create vertical scanning planes and detect
objects high enough that they are not detectable by the safety scanning lasers. Mount the side
lasers in such a way, that they protrude enough to miss the payload structure itself with their
laser beams. Refer to
HD-1500 Platform User's Manual (Cat. No. I645)
It is the end user's responsibility to ensure that the payload struc-
ture does not obstruct the side lasers' beam.
If it is not possible to prevent some interference between the payload structure and the side
lasers' sensing plane, you might be able to use the
parameter to constrain sensing
to zones that do not include the payload structure. However, this might compromise the
31500-100 RevA
Mobile Robot HD Safety Manual