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Step 12. Fuel tank calibration
Figure 11a. Refueling station with fuel tank, fuel pumps, fuel
meter, fuel hoses, control switches, etc.
Figure 11b. Vehicle’s fuel tank ready for calibration.
LLS sensor should be permanently installed at the fuel tank before starting calibration process.
The best location is in the middle of the fuel tank, or as close to the middle, as possible (sees Figure 11c). The tip of insulating
cap should be 8 – 10 mm higher of tank’s bottom. In this case we avoid direct electrical contact with the bottom (insulating
cap could be mechanically damaged because of vibration, if the tip of cap will touch tank’s bottom) and direct contact with
water/debris, usually presenting close to the tank’s bottom (see Figure 11d).
Don’t forget to put square rubber gasket on
the top of the fuel tank before mounting of LLS!
See Figures 11e and 11f.
Figure 11c. Correct and wrong LLS location in the fuel tank.