Omnia-6ex Use and Operation Manual – V: 1.20
wheel. The operation is canceled and the Preset list and menu is again displayed.
Note: You cannot save a preset using any of the factory-supplied preset names. A different preset name must be
used, using the Save As menu option. The factory presets are read only, and cannot be overwritten. Likewise new
user presets cannot be stored with the same name as a factory preset.
Renaming and Deleting Presets
To rename or delete a preset, highlight and click the Modify choice in the Preset menu. Rotate the jog wheel to
highlight the Preset List and click. Now highlight and Click to select the preset to be modified. To rename the
selected preset, highlight and click on Rename. The Rename Preset dialog will appear and a new name for it can be
entered. (See Saving Presets above) After entering the preset name’s last character, rotate the jog-wheel until the
Checkmark is highlighted. Click the jog wheel to save the new preset. If you wish to cancel the operation, highlight
the X and click. The operation will be canceled and the Preset Menu again displayed. To Delete the selected preset,
highlight and click on Delete. You will be asked to confirm the destruction of the selected preset. Highlight and
click on Yes to go ahead and delete the preset or No to cancel and return to the Rename and Delete screen.
Protecting Presets
Beginning with Front Panel Display software Version 1.0.3.x, it now possible to protect customer presets with a
secret passcode. To use the feature, you must create a custom preset (or recall factory and rename it as your own).
The correct order for using the Protect Preset function is as follows:
Create a preset and save it as your own (let’s use a preset name “TEST33” as an example;
Click the “Protect” button in the Preset menu.
Enter your passcode (up to six characters), and click on the checkmark to save it.
The preset will now be displayed on the screen with a [U] next to it, that is, it will be shown as TEST33[U].
This means that the preset has a passcode assigned to it, but the preset is not yet “locked”.
To Lock the preset, go back to the Preset List, click on the “Protect” button, but DO NOT enter a passcode
this time – instead just click the Checkmark box. An error message will pop up saying “ERROR:
Permission Denied” – this is normal behavior. Click the “OK” box, and notice that the preset is now listed
on the Meter Screen as TEST33[L]. The “L” next to the preset means that it is Locked and your preset is
now secure.
Please see the next section for how to access a protected preset.