Omnia-6ex Use and Operation Manual – V: 1.20
Deep Bass EQ: For those who demand thunderous bass. Up to 12 dB of “thunder” can be added to shake your
listeners’ walls! This is not merely a simple bass EQ, but a sophisticated concept, which considers the time
alignment of low frequencies as they pass through the entire system. This allows loud, clean, thunderous low end,
with no sacrifice to the overall loudness of your signal. Deep Bass is a shelf boost at 85 Hz that utilizes a phase
linear 12 dB per octave slope to produce the shelving EQ function.
Phat Bass EQ: Phat Bass is a unique enhancement that adds filtered harmonics to the bass frequencies, carefully
weighted to deliver its effect during the initial rise time of the low frequencies. Low frequency texture is emphasized
with this control; the resulting effect is that older recorded materials sound fuller (or “phatter”) with the illusion of
added loudness. The pleasing low frequency harmonics generated by the Omnia's Phat Bass algorithm helps your
station sound bigger and fuller on radios with smaller speakers, such as portable or desktop radios. This gives your
listeners the illusion of deeper bass response from their radios than they're actually capable of.
Warmth EQ: The Warm Bass parameter is a second order shelf boost with a corner frequency of 150 Hz. Warm
Bass compensates for program material that is naturally lacking in upper-bass punch. The parameter is adjustable
over a 6 dB range.
Stereo EXP: This is a DSP stereo enhancement effect that enhances the stereo sound field without unwanted side
effects such as unnatural imaging or exaggerated multipath. Program audio previously lacking in stereo width will
have noticeably increased ambiance, depth and dimension when Stereo EXP is active. Vocals stay up-front and the
sonic details of musical instruments are heard with an apparent slight loudness increase when listening in stereo. The
stereo width is automatically controlled to avoid over-enhancement.
Multiband Dynamic Peak Limiter: Not just simple limiter sections using single time constants, but rather a
sophisticated series of processes, which make automatic adjustments based upon the “peak weight” of the signal.
These advanced algorithms rely upon peak-weighted calculations to determine the strength of a transient peak,
which then determines if very fast dynamic control is required. Faster time constants are used only when necessary,
and then only under certain conditions that are dictated by the density of the signal. A built-in release Hold
algorithm allows the limiter to rest momentarily in order to significantly reduce IM distortion.
For maximum clarity and punch, the system uses different algorithms for each of the bands: The super low, low and
mid low bands use a feedback limiter configuration, producing a larger, warmer sound on the lower frequencies. The
mid high, high and super high bands utilize a feedforward limiter design that maintains a more open, natural and
musical texture on higher frequencies. The user may adjust the individual limiter thresholds, their hold threshold
values, as well as each band's attack and release times. The limiter behavior has been optimized by fixed crossover
frequencies of 85Hz, 330Hz, 1kHz, 3kHz, and 7.5kHz.
Non-Aliasing, Distortion Controlled Final Limiter/Clipper (Conventional FM): Typically, the clipper section is
where previous attempts at DSP-based clippers have failed. The term “digital grunge” and “that digital sound” came
from early DSP based attempts at simple peak clippers. Omnia-6’s proprietary DSP-based clipper algorithm
generates no in-band aliasing artifacts, and reduced audible processing distortion while producing a clean and very
loud signal. Users have reported that this implementation exceeds the “smoothness” of a well-designed analog
limiter! Parameter adjustments include Clipper Drive, Bass Clip Threshold, Clipper Silk and Composite Clipper