Possible solution
The 3D printer does not work when turned on. Display and
print space remains dark
USB drive cannot be read by the 3D printer
Print quality issues
Filament is not extruded correctly / there is singnificant
Check the connection to the power supply
Remove the USB drive and insert it again
Turn the 3D printer off and back on
Use different USB drive
Format the drive to the FAT32 file system
Check the nozzle temperature setting. It must be suitable for the
material being used
Keep a proper distance between the build plate and the nozzle
Remove excess filament from nozzle before each print
Check the power socket. Is it powered properly?
Check the main fuse
Check the filament spool. It must rotate easily
Check that the filament is not blocked at any point on its way
from the spool to the extruder
Check that the filament is correctly inserted through the bowden
Check that the nozzle temperature is not too low for the material
being used
Check that the extruder is not clogged. Clean the extruder if
necessary (see “Cleaning and maintenance” section “c”)
Check that the nozzle is not clogged. Clean the nozzle if
necessary (see “Cleaning and maintenance” section “b”)