The OM-VIB-101 system has three components:
1. A USB memory stick (data logger) with three precision on-board
microelectronic gravitational force sensors (accelerometers).
The data logger is designed to be attached to an operating
piece of equipment (a motor, for example) and left in place to
measure and record the equipment’s acceleration in three
dimensions over an extended period of time.
2. A pedestal with magnets and screw holes for firmly mounting
the data logger to the piece of equipment.
3. A Windows-compatible graphics application that can download
thousands of stored or real-time acceleration readings to a PC
from the data logger via its USB interface. Using powerful
analysis tools in the software, an engineer or technician can
assess the health or diagnose any performance problems of the
equipment by relating the acceleration data to physical
manifestations such as vibration, motion and tilt.
• Three accelerometers precisely measure acceleration on x,
and z axes
• Data logger stores up to 327,600 data points in flash memor
• One button starts/stops data logging without PC
• Plug-and-play USB 2.0 interface; no need for cables,
cradles or
• Mounting pedestal with magnets and three screw hole
• Included PC interface/analysis software can do
wnload recorded
data or acquire real-time data or real-time frequency data
• Software is used to set system
clock, operating mode (normal,
time-triggered or motion measuring), sampling rate and axial
w alarm thresholds