During initial startup, the switch S2 must first be set to the corresponding
preferred direction of the flow. The positive flow direction of the FHG flow
meter system is specified in the top view of the 5-pin M12 connector. In this
case, the switch S1 must be set to ON. For the opposite negative direction,
the switch position is to be down and thus set to OFF. This setting ensures
that the pulse filtering is activated in the right direction from the very begin-
ning after switching on the supply voltage.
Pin 5 of the M12 connector is either used for the separate direction signal
or an error signal. This is set accordingly with the bridge B2. The figure
above depicts the bridge attached to the middle and right pin of the 3-pin
row of pins, which routes the separate zero signal to the third output. If the
bridge is on the left and middle pin, the error signal in case of a fault is
output. A description of the error states is found in the ”Alarm and Warning
Messages“ chapter.
Ten different interpolation factors can be set with the coding switch S3. The
corresponding interpolation factors for the respective switch positions are
listed in Table 3. This setting can be changed at any time while the system
is running. Simply use a small screwdriver to adjust the rotary coding switch
and then briefly press the S2 key for the acknowledgment. The new pulse
rate is enabled a once.
The rotary coding switch for the pulse filtering has 16 switch settings. The
degree of filtering is determined with quarter gear division increments. The
corresponding suppressed partial volumes of the respective size are listed
in Table 4. Changes can also be performed during operation and become
active after pressing the S2 key.
The electronics is sensitive to electrostatic discharges. People making
adjustments to the electronics must first discharge their electrostatic charges
using a grounded object.
People making adjustments to the electronics must first discharge their electrostatic
charges using a grounded object.
15. Signaling LEDs
The signaling LEDs provide information about the corresponding status of the
electronics. These include certain operating and fault states (see Figure 5).
The three LEDs have a different combination of states for each signal. The
LEDs signal either operating modes or alarms and warnings. Operating
mode messages signal the respective mode that has been set.
Alarm and warning signals provide explicit information about overload,
conditions that can negatively affect the measurement, or component er-
rors of the measuring system.
Fig. 5: Signaling LEDs of the preamplifier electronics
16. Operating Mode Messages
Error output
Normal operation
Offset mode
Table 5: Operating mode messages