The Status Light
Security System Status:
These are the “normal” operations of the Status Light,
indicating the state of the security system. Exceptions to normal operation are the
transmitter verification display upon turning on the ignition key, and
1) Off = The security system is disarmed and not performing automatic functions.
2) On Constant = The security system is in the Valet Mode.
3) Flashing Slowly = The security system is fully armed.
4) Flashing Fast = Last Door Arming or Automatic Rearming is in progress.
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Automatic Transmitter Verification:
For the first 10 seconds after the
vehicle’s ignition is turned on, the Status Light will flash a number of times between
pauses that equal the number of controllers or transmitters that are programmed to
operate the system:
5) 1 Flash /pause =
1 controller or transmitter is programmed.
6) 2 Flashes /pause = 2 controllers or transmitters are programmed.
7) 3 Flashes /pause = 3 controllers or transmitters are programmed.
8) 4 Flashes /pause = 4 controllers or transmitters are programmed.
Zone Violation:
If the system enters an alarm condition, the Status Light will stop
flashing slowly and begin to flash in a sequence between pauses to indicate which
protected zone caused the alarm condition. The Status Light will flash and pause to
indicate which protected zone was violated while the system is still armed, after it
is disarmed, and until the vehicle’s ignition is turned on. The system’s Zone
Violation feature’s memory can store two consecutive zone violations. If there have
been multiple violations, the Status Light will show the two most recent violations
in the order in which they occurred.
9) 2 Flashes / Pause = System was triggered by open hood or trunk.
10) 3 Flashes / Pause = System was triggered by an open door.
11) 4 Flashes / Pause = System was triggered by the sensor.
• Turning on the ignition will clear the Zone Violation.
The Status Light visually confirms the status of the system and provides a high
level of visual deterrence. The Status Light is in the window unit, and actually
consists of two LED lights, with identical operation, for maximum visibility. These
lights illuminate Red in color, but separately mountable Status Lights are available,
in either Red or Blue color. So whereas the standard Status Light is described as
Red, other colors may be found.
Step 2
Turning the ignition back on.
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Anti-Carjacking Protection
The Excalibur is equipped with three separate Anti-Carjacking protection
features, whose operation may be selectively activated by the ignition, by an open
door, or by the transmitter. All three are programmable, and must be turned on to
operate. Once activated, the user has 53 seconds to cancel the Anti-Carjacking
protection process by pressing the Valet Switch once. If Anti-Carjacking is not
cancelled, 53 seconds after being activated the siren will begin to chirp for 7 seconds
to alert the user that the system is about to enter into an alarm condition. The Valet
Switch may still be pressed once during this period to cancel the Anti-Carjacking
If the Anti-Carjacking process is not cancelled before the 60 second count-
down expires, the system will enter an alarm condition, sounding the siren and
flashing the parking lights. 30 seconds after this occurs, or should the ignition be
turned off in the meantime, the stater interrupt will engage. Once the system
enters the alarm condition, it will not respond to the transmitter, nor will the sys-
tem reset automatically after 60 seconds, and it can only be disengaged by:
Step 1
Turning the vehicle’s ignition off.
Step 3
Within 5 seconds, perform an Emergency Override using the Valet
The three types of Anti-Carjacking protection features are:
Switch. If the SecureCode has been customized, the correct number of
Valet Switch presses must be made.
Anti-Carjacking protection activated using a controller or transmitter
has the process start by pressing and holding the “
” button for 3 seconds, but only
if the vehicle’s ignition is on. The Valet Switch must be pressed within 60 seconds
after this is done to cancel Anti-Carjacking. This is User Programmable Feature #19
(see page 32).
Anti-Carjacking protection activated an open door
has the process start
should a door be opened after the vehicle is started and the engine is running. The
Valet Switch must be pressed within 60 seconds after the door is opened to cancel
Anti-Carjacking. This is User Programmable Feature #18 (see page 32).
Anti-Carjacking protection activated by the vehicle’s ignition
has the
process start every time the vehicle’s ignition is turned on. The Valet Switch must
be pressed within 60 seconds every time the vehicle is started to cancel Anti-
Carjacking. This is User Programmable Feature #17 (see page 31).