text modes. Press the knob to save the contrast value. Press MENU/
EXIT to restore the previous selection and return to the main display.
4.7 Configuring Auto Shutdown
Auto Shutdown Time
10 MIN.
This function sets or disables the time before the unit automatically
shuts down if the keypad is not used. The value can be set to
‘Disabled’, or from 1 to 30 minutes.
Rotate the knob to adjust the value. Press and hold the knob to save
it. Press MENU/EXIT to restore the previous value and return to the
main display.
5. Advanced Features
The calibrator has several advanced features that are available
through the Calibrator Setup Menus. How the features are enabled
and what they do is described below.
5.1 Step and Ramp Operation
The calibrator has several unique features that are helpful aids when
doing milliamp calibrations.
The percent keys allow the user to set the milliamp output to 0% of
span, 100% of span, or step it by 25% of span.
The “Step/Ramp” key allows hands free operation by automatically
stepping or ramping the milliamp output from 0% to 100% and back
The 100% value is always 20 mA, but the 0% value may be 0 mA or 4
mA depending on the mA span setting described in section 4.5. The
25% step size is either 5 mA or 4 mA accordingly.
5.1.1 Manual Stepping
1. Use the main menu to set the calibrator to source or simulate
2. Press the “0%” key to set the output to 0% of span.
3. Press the “100%” key to set the output to 100% of span.