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Congratulations on your purchase of an Omega Security system. The Omega series of

personal convenience and security products are designed by Omega Research and Develop-
ment, a leader in vehicle security since 1976. When beginning to use this system, you will
be surprised at its user-friendly design, considering the system delivers features and benefits
that not only anticipate but exceed your expectations.

The Omega AL-100-H is a fully-featured antitheft system which can detect an unautho-

rized  entry and respond by flashing the exterior lights, honking the horn and relocking the
doors (if an optional interface is installed). The AL-100-H becomes armed when you use
your existing factory remote keyless entry transmitter to lock your doors, and  becomes
disarmed when your transmitter unlocks the doors.  An Easy Valet


 Switch, in conjunction

with the ignition key, allows you to disarm and temporaly override the security system in the
event of your transmitter becoming inoperable or being lost.

Being that the AL-100-H is a universal add-on security system for existing keyless entry

systems, the exact operations of the AL-100-H are determined in some extent to the
particular vehicle and/or keyless entry system.  Please remember that this guide outlines
average operating parameters of the system.  Please ask your new car salesperson to arrange
a demonstration of the operation of your new security system.

In learning how to operate your security system, please become familiar with the

following three principal components: your existing factory Keyless Entry Remote Trans-
mitter, the Red LED Status Indicator and the Easy Valet



I n t r o d u c t i o n

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Congratulations on your purchase of an Omega Security system. The Omega series of

personal convenience and security products are designed by Omega Research and Develop-
ment, a leader in vehicle security since 1976. When beginning to use this system, you will
be surprised at its user-friendly design, considering the system delivers features and benefits
that not only anticipate but exceed your expectations.

The Omega AL-100-H is a fully-featured antitheft system which can detect an unautho-

rized  entry and respond by flashing the exterior lights, honking the horn and relocking the
doors (if an optional interface is installed). The AL-100-H becomes armed when you use
your existing factory remote keyless entry transmitter to lock your doors, and  becomes
disarmed when your transmitter unlocks the doors.  An Easy Valet


 Switch, in conjunction

with the ignition key, allows you to disarm and temporaly override the security system in the
event of your transmitter becoming inoperable or being lost.

Being that the AL-100-H is a universal add-on security system for existing keyless entry

systems, the exact operations of the AL-100-H are determined in some extent to the
particular vehicle and/or keyless entry system.  Please remember that this guide outlines
average operating parameters of the system.  Please ask your new car salesperson to arrange
a demonstration of the operation of your new security system.

In learning how to operate your security system, please become familiar with the

following three principal components: your existing factory Keyless Entry Remote Trans-
mitter, the Red LED Status Indicator and the Easy Valet



I n t r o d u c t i o n

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T i p s   T o   A v o i d   B e c o m i n g   A   V i c t i m

1) Always be aware of your surroundings.  An alert and aware person is less likely to become
a crime victim than someone who is preoccupied and easily approached.

2) While driving in high crime areas, always keep your doors locked and your windows up.
Your Omega System can automatically lock your doors when the ignition switch is turned

3) Always attempt to park your vehicle in a well lit and visible location with your system
armed and doors locked.  If your system has interior/exterior light illumination, take
advantage of this feature to look in and around your vehicle.

4) While in parking garage structures, always attempt to back-in to your parking space.
This will provide a less visually encumbered and quicker way to exit your parking space if
you are being pursued.  This will also allow you to better see the flashing exterior light
confirmation, if equipped.

5) While driving or stopped at an intersection, if your vehicle is bumped in the rear by
another vehicle or the vehicle behind you is flashing it's headlights, consider the occupants

f the vehicle hostile and immediately drive to the nearest police or fire station.  "Bump and

run" thieves and carjackers are becoming an increasingly severe problem.

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T i p s   T o   A v o i d   B e c o m i n g   A   V i c t i m

1) Always be aware of your surroundings.  An alert and aware person is less likely to become
a crime victim than someone who is preoccupied and easily approached.

2) While driving in high crime areas, always keep your doors locked and your windows up.
Your Omega System can automatically lock your doors when the ignition switch is turned

3) Always attempt to park your vehicle in a well lit and visible location with your system
armed and doors locked.  If your system has interior/exterior light illumination, take
advantage of this feature to look in and around your vehicle.

4) While in parking garage structures, always attempt to back-in to your parking space.
This will provide a less visually encumbered and quicker way to exit your parking space if
you are being pursued.  This will also allow you to better see the flashing exterior light
confirmation, if equipped.

5) While driving or stopped at an intersection, if your vehicle is bumped in the rear by
another vehicle or the vehicle behind you is flashing it's headlights, consider the occupants

f the vehicle hostile and immediately drive to the nearest police or fire station.  "Bump and

run" thieves and carjackers are becoming an increasingly severe problem.

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Summary of Contents for AL-100-H

Page 1: ... o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e s a l e i n s t a l l a t i o n o r u s e o f t h i s p r o d u c t MO_AL100 REV1 MODEL K9 FIVEC OWNER S MANUAL For model AL 100 H Security System For Factory Installed Keyless Entry Systems Protect Yourself And Your Investment COPYRIGHT OMEGA RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT 1997 L I M I T E D L I F E T I M E W A R R A N T Y L I M I T E D L I F E T I M E W A R R A N T Y L I M...

Page 2: ...c Siren 17 Tips To Avoid Being A Victim 18 P a g e 2 6 Whileparkedandsittinginyourvehicle alwayskeepyourdoorslocked windowsrolled u p a n d e n g i n e i d l i n g i f p o s s i b l e I f y o u a r e a p p r o a c h e d b y a p o t e n t i a l c a r j a c k e r u s e y o u r t r a n s m i t t e r t o P a n i c t h e s y s t e m t o s c a r e t h e a t t a c k e r a w a y 7 C o n t r o l a c c e s ...

Page 3: ...rametersofthesystem Pleaseaskyournewcarsalespersontoarrange a demonstration of the operation of your new security system In learning how to operate your security system please become familiar with the following three principal components your existing factory Keyless Entry Remote Trans mitter the Red LED Status Indicator and the Easy ValetT M S w i t c h Introduction P a g e 3 T i p s T o A v o i ...

Page 4: ... y s t e mi sr e a r m e da g a i n T h i sw i l lp r e v e n tt h es y s t e mf r o mb e i n gan u i s a n c e t o t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c Power Doorlock Interface The AL 100 H is designed to add a fully featured security system to an existing factory equipped Remote Keyless Entry system While the factory transmitterallowsremotelockingandunlockingofthedoors theAL 100 Hcanalsooperate t h e...

Page 5: ... e x c e p t f o r t h e b y p a s s e d c i r c u i t s T h u s i f t h e A c t i v e Arming Bypass is activated by a defective sensing switch or optional sensor the AL 100 Hc a ns t i l lb eu s e du n t i lt h ep r o b l e mi sc o r r e c t e d I ft h eb y p a s s e dc i r c u i ti sc o r r e c t e dw h i l e t h e s y s t e m i s a r m e d p r o t e c t i o n w i l l r e s u m e o n t h a t c i...

Page 6: ... system from arming 30 seconds after the door was shut upon entering the vehicle Disarming The System Without The Transmitter I nt h ee v e n tt h e t r a n s m i t t e ri sl o s t damaged or its batteries become exhausted the Easy ValetTM Switch and y o u ri g n i t i o nk e y can be used to disarm the system The Easy ValetT M S w i t c h i s a s m a l l p u s h b u t t o n t h a t i s P a g e 6 ...

Page 7: ...t c h T h e s e c u r i t y s y s t e m w i l l i n s t a n t l y d i s a r m P r o g r a m m a b l e F e a t u r e s Your AL 100 H security system has six programmable features that allow your system t ob ec u s t o m i z e dt of i ty o u rp e r s o n a ln e e d s T h e s ef e a t u r e sa r es e l e c t a b l eb yD u a lI n l i n eP i n D I P s w i t c h e si n s i d et h es e c u r i t ys y s t...

Page 8: ...l l y r e a r m i t s e l f a f t e r 9 0 s e c o n d s a n d o n c e a g a i n l o c k t h e d o o r s Note Automatic Rearming can be stopped provided the Last Door Arming feature is turned o f f o r p a u s e d i f t h e L a s t D o o r A r m i n g f e a t u r e i s o f f b y o p e n i n g t h e d o o r o r s t o p p e d by turning On the ignition key Automatic Rearming is confirmed by a fast fl...

Page 9: ...s h i n g t h e p a r k i n g l i g h t s t w i c e a n d t h e L E D S t a t u s I n d i c a t o r t u r n i n g o n constant ThesecuritysystemwillholdmemoryoftheValetModewhentheignitionswitch is On or Off While in the Valet Mode the system will not arm but the Panic feature and t h e r e m o t e l o c k i n g a n d u n l o c k i n g o f d o o r s f r o m t h e t r a n s m i t t e r w i l l s t i...

Page 10: ...ow The system is Fully Armed 4 F l a s h i n g F a s t The 30 second Last Door Arming feature or 90 second Automatic R e a r m i n g f e a t u r e i s i n p r o g r e s s 5 Flash 1x Pause The system was triggered by an optional sensor 6 Flash 2x Pause T h e s y s t e m w a s t r i g g e r e d b y t h e h o o d o r t r u n k c i r c u i t 7 Flash 3x Pause T h e s y s t e m w a s t r i g g e r e d b...
