V.- About Systems.
1.- O.M.B. Sistemas Electrónicos, S.A. is not responsible for performance of those equipments or systems that are not made, certified or registered by our Company.
VI.- About Operation
1.- O.M.B. Sistemas Electrónicos, S.A. is not responsible of damages and/or detriments derived from inadequate or negligent operation of equipments made, certified or
registered by our Company, once those equipments are operated by personnel hired and/or employed by Customer.
VII.- General.
This Warranty covers and protects, during a period of 18 months after start of operations, all equipments made , certified or registered by O.M.B. Sistemas Electrónicos, S.A.,
including its components and units, against failures in workmanship that may occur during operation of those equipments,
with the exception of power valves or
semiconductor devices
that are covered by its particular Factory's Guarantee. In this case, O.M.B. Sistemas Electrónicos, S.A. only can act as intermediary for negotiation with
such Factory, about accomplishment of individual Guarantees.
For Validity of this Warranty, it is indispensable that all Paragraphs, from I to VI, be respected by the Customer. Otherwise, this Warranty will be automatically voided.
Warranty is self-activated with the reception by OMB Sistemas Electrónicos, S.A. of the "Guarantee Activation Manual". returned to OMB by Customer. If such Document is not
received, this Warranty will be voided.
All repairings or adjustments covered by this Warranty are free of workmanship & materials costs and expenses, but postage and transportation expenses of equipments and
O.M.B. technical personnel & specialists, if required, will be carried out by the Customer.
O.M.B. Sistemas Electrónicos, S.A.