6. Restrictions on combined modules
· The module that can be mounted on the left side port is only a TV adapter that can project the primary image in 1X
magnification, that is, the U-TV1X, U-DPCAD or U-SIP. (Optimal AF performance cannot be achieved with other combination.)
· Note on stage
The IX-SVL2 stage cannot be combined with this microscope.
· Notes on observation tube
a) When the U-TBI90 observation tube is used, the image in the peripheral part of eyepiece’s visual field may be
obscured (about 5%). In addition, no intermediate attachment can be used with the U-TBI90.
b) When the U-BI90/BI90CT observation tube is used together with a 4X or 10X objective, the image in the peripheral
part of eyepiece’s visual field may be obscured. In addition, the IX2-CA2X magnification changer lens unit cannot be
used with the U-BI90/BI90CT (it becomes usable by mounting the U-EPA2 eye-point adjuster (occupying only 1
stage) on the U-BI90/U-BI90CT).
· Notes on intermediate attachments
a) Only one U-EPA2 eye-point adjuster can be mounted (it cannot be used together with other intermediate attach-
b) Only one U-FWO filter wheel can be mounted (it cannot be used together with other intermediate attachments).
c) When the IX-ATU intermediate attachment and GX-SPU side port unit are combined, the image in the peripheral part
of eyepiece’s visual field may be obscured if the magnification changer knob of the microscope frame is set to 1X.
d) The U-CA/U-ECA/U-ECA1.6X magnification changer cannot be used in combination with the microscope frame.
· When the IX-ATU intermediate attachment and U-TR30H trinocular observation tube are combined, the only TV adapter
that can be used is the U-TV1X.
· When the GX-SPU side port unit and a TV camera are used, the only TV adapter that can be used is the U-TV1X.
· The FN of the right side port is specified as 16. When a 10X or lower-power objective a CCD camera are used, the
brightness in the peripheral area may be slightly insufficient.
· When a 2X, 4X or 10X objective is used with FN 22, the brightness in the peripheral area may be slightly insufficient.
(This problem does not occur with FN 16.)
· When a 10X objective is used in transmitted light observation using the IX2-ULWCD condenser, the illumination NA
may become insufficient and the resolution may degrade. Also, optimum phase contrast observation is not available
using a phase contrast objective (PH1 or PH2).
· When using the IX2-RFAW, remove the light shield @ in the excitation
filter slider on the left illuminator to prevent it from coming in the way of
Some filter sliders are not usable with this microscope.
· Optimum phase contrast observation is not available when the IX2-ILL30 transmitted light illumination column and a
phase contrast observation (PH1 or PH2) are used.
· AF does not function normally when the U-LH100 transmitted light IR lamp housing is used. To achieve AF, it is required
to close the shutter or turn off the light during AF.
· The IBMU/IBML temperature retention box cannot be used because a clearance is produced between the tempera-
ture retention box and transmitted light illumination column.
· When performing autofocusing in the continuous focus mode, use the provided IR slider to prevent the IR laser from
leaking into the observation light. Note that, when this slider is used, fluorescent dyes with IR-domain absorption
wavelengths (700 nm or more) can become unusable or their brightness is reduced.
When this slider is used, the fluorescence mirror unit used in the DIC observation should be the U-MDICT.
· If the I2-ZDC2PCB control board for exclusive use with IX81-ZDC2 is installed on the IX2-UCB control box, uninstall
other focus control boards.