The cladding may not be overheated, as cracks
could appear.
Use a maximum of 3 kg wood or briquette (that are
2 suitable billet wood or 1 briquette) for heating.
As the natural cladding comes from a „grown“ boul-
der, structure and colour scheme may be very dif-
The surface may be altered under temperature in-
Special information
The manufacturer’s guarantee expires if the stove is
significantly or permanently overloaded above the
nominal heating output, or if fuels other than those list-
ed are used.
The stove must only be used with the combustion
chamber door shut.
● Never remove hot ashes. Only store ashes in a fire
proof, non-combustible container.
The surfaces get hot! Always use the en
closed glove when operating the stove.
Convection air openings may not be covered.
● Never use white spirit, benzene or other inflamma
ble, hazardous materials to ignite the fire.
● The combustion air supply fittings must never be al
tered. In particular, it must be ensured that any nec-
essary combustion air pies are open while the fire
place is being used.
● Do not make any changes or modifications to the
How often?
Using what?
inside of stove
at least 1 x per year
hand brush,
vacuum cleaner
connection piece
at least 1 x per year
hand brush,
vacuum cleaner
glass panel
as required
when cold
using glass cleaner for
stoves- and oven glasses