Check Tender in Foreign Currency with
Change in Local Currency
Register a £19.50 item to Department 4, a
£2.50 item to Department 5 and a £5.00 item to Depart-
ment 12. Compute the change for a
0.00 check tender.
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press
to display and print the current balance due
in Local currency.
5. Press
for foreign currency number 1 programmed
and press
to display the current balance due in
foreign currency.
6. Type the amount tendered by check in foreign currency
and press
The change due in local
currency is displayed.
Split Check/Cash Tender
Register a £24.00 item to Department 1, a
£36.00 item to Department 3 and a £4.00 item to Depart-
ment 4. Split the tender between £60.00 check and £4.00
1. Press
2. Press
3. Presss
4. Press
5. Press
. The remaining balance
due is displayed.
6. Press
Split Cash/Charge Tendering
Register a £10.00 item and a £15.00 item to
Department 2. Split the amount tendered between £20.00
cash and £5.00 charge.
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press
. The remaining
balance due (5.00) is displayed.
5. Press
Check Tendering
Register a £70.00 item paid by check to Depart-
ment 4.
1. Press
2. Press
Card Tendering
Register a £120.00 item to Department 2 and a
£50.00 item to Department 3. Complete the transaction with
payment using a credit or debit card.
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
Check Tender with Change
Register a £19.50 item to Department 4, a £2.50
item to Department 5 and a £5.00 item to Department 13.
Compute the change for a £30.00 check tender.
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press
5. Press
The change due to the customer is displayed.