Annexe – Ordering information
Chapter 11 | Specific instructions
for use in explosive atmospheres
and operational safety
General comments
OLC/OLCT 100 conforms to the requirements of European Directive ATEX
94/9/CE relating to explosive Dust and Gas atmospheres. On account of their
metrological performance as tested by the accredited organization INERIS (in
process), the OLC/OLCT 100 transmitter detectors intended for the measurement
of explosive gases are classed as safety devices in the sense of the European
Directive and may, therefore, contribute to limiting the risks of explosion.
The information given in the following sections should be respected and taken into
account by the manager of the site where the equipment is installed. As far as the
aim of improving the health and safety of workers who are exposed to the risks of
explosive atmospheres is concerned, refer to European Directive ATEX
OLC/OLCT 100 detectors also conform to the requirements of the IEC
international certification scheme relating to explosive Dust and Gas atmospheres.
Two modes of protection can be used:
The mode of protection using fire-proof housing "d" for gaseous explosive
atmospheres, or housing "tb" for explosive dust atmospheres.
The intrinsically safe "ia" mode of protection for gaseous explosive
atmospheres, or "id" for explosive dust atmospheres.