1. Loosen collet nut by rotating it in the clockwise direction (see below).
2. Insert the bit into the chuck, and rotate the bit while pushing it into
the chuck, until the bit is seated in the drive mechanism. At this point,
the smaller of the two holes in the face of the bit will be at the
twelve o’clock position.
3. Place the sleeve over the bit and slide the sleeve into the collet. Rotate the
sleeve as you are sliding it into the chuck until the sleeve has engaged with
the locating pin (internal to the collet); the sleeve will then slide further in
and, when fully seated, will be such that the spouted portion of the sleeve
end is in the twelve o’clock position.
4. Tighten the collet by rotating the collet nut in the counterclockwise
direction. The tool is now ready for use. To make a wire wrapped
connection, follow the instructions and helpful hints on the pages ahead.
Tighten Collet Nut in Counter-
Loosen Collet Nut
in Clockwise Direction
Spouted portion of sleeve in
twelve o’clock position
Small hole in bit face in twelve
o’clock position