SonarMite DFX v1.20 (c) Lymtech 2016
In addition to Bluetooth on the DFX all SonarMites have a serial interface which can connect to
a computer using RS232 protocol, this may also be provided by the USB serial interface cable
available as an accessory. The default settings are …
4800 Baud Rate 8 Bit 1 Stop Bit No Parity
Example Serial Cable
Example USB adaptor cable
Using the slower baud rate of 4800 allows the serial cable to be extended so that the computer
can be up to 20m away from the echo sounder.
Communication with the SonarMite over any of the serial device „com‟ ports can be achieved
using a simple terminal communication program such as the „Hyperterminal‟ program supplied
with the Windows operating system. There are various other public domain packages such as
Widcom or TTpro offering similar facilities to Hyperterminal. The popular SenaTerm program
can run on Android devices and programmed with the SonarMite control codes.