Öhlins Racing AB - The Story
It was the 1970’s, a young man named Kenth
Öhlin spent most of his spare time pursuing his
favourite sport: motocross.
Being a careful observer, Kenth’s attention
was continuously drawn to one specific detail -
motocross bikes had more engine power than
their suspension could handle. It was not long
before Kenth realised that better performance
could be achieved by improved wheel
Öhlins Racing was established in 1976, and
just two years later the company won its first
World Championship title. Despite being in the
business for more than 40 years, the search for
perfection and new functions is still the main
focus of the company.
Congratulations! You are now the owner of an
Öhlins product. More than two hundred World
Championships and other major world titles
are definitive proof that Öhlins products offer
outstanding performance and reliability.
Every product has gone through rigorous
testing and engineers have spent thousands
of hours, doing their very best to use every
possible experience from our 40 years within the
racing sport.
The product that you now have in your
possession is pure racing breed that is built to
By installing this product on your vehicle
you have made a clear statement… you are a
serious rider or driver with a focus on getting
the maximal handling ability and outstanding
feedback from your vehicle. Along comes the
fact that your Öhlins product will be a long
lasting friend, delivering the very best of comfort
and performance every time you go for a ride.
Go explore!
Öhlins Headquarters Upplands Väsby, Sweden