OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
1. Inspect the conveyor belt when the system is shut down and empty. This
allows you the check for any damage to the belt or splice. Check for the
a. Pulley free from build-up and trapped material.
b. Pulley free from damage.
c. No Skirting on the loading area.
d. No Impact Bed or Impact Idler damage.
e. Slider Bed clean and smooth.
f. Idler free from damage.
g. No frame damage.
h. Return idlers are clean and turn freely.
i Damage to return side frame due to mis-training.
2. Turn the conveyor belt on and run it empty. Check for any tracking
problems with the belt.
3. Before making any tracking adjustments, run the system when loaded.
Empty belts and loaded belts may track differently.
4. Turn the conveyor belt on and run it loaded. Check for the following:
a. Turning freely without bearing noise, product build-up, or carry back.
b. Belt tracking correctly
c. Carry Side Idler turning freely.
d. Head Pulley and or Drive Pulley running smoothly.