OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Calibration -
1. Inspect the electrode probe and cable for evidence of damage. Make
sure the entire electrode gap is free of deposits and the connector to the
instrument is clean and dry.
2. Disconnect the electrode probe from the meter and push the button to
run a voltage ramp test. If the meter is working properly, the ES reading
should reach the maximum voltage permitted by the instrument.
3. Plug the high calibration standard into the same port the probe was in.
Run the voltage ramp test. The ES value should be within 2% of the val-
ue marked on the standard. Repeat this process with the low calibration
standard. Again, the ES value should be within 2% of the value marked
on the standard.
If either reading is not within the specified range, the unit will require ser
vice from a trained technician.
Calibration Standards
4. Reconnect the electrode to the meter and repeat the voltage ramp test
using tap water. The ES reading should not exceed 6 volts. If the reading
does exceed 6 volts, clean the electrode probe again using a solvent (Iso
propanol, etc.) and carefully check the electrical connector for damage or
wear. If the unit is still not functioning properly, the electrode and cable
may be replaced by calling OFITE and ordering a new electrode (part no.
These procedures do not check the waveform, AC frequency or ramp
rate. The ES meter must be periodically checked by a qualified technician
to ensure that all units meet specifications. OFITE recommends returning
the ES Meter once a year for a thorough calibration check.