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Test Builder
The Consistometer Software can control both the temperature and pressure
during a test. Tests are programmed in the Test Builder.
1. Select “Test Builder” from the “Utilities” menu.
2. Click the “New Test” button to start a new test. Or click the “Copy
Test”button to start with an existing test.
3. On the Temperature or Pressure tab click the “Add” button to add a step.
4. Choose a Step Type:
- Ramp: The software will increase the setpoint up to the target over a
specified time period.
- Step: The software will increase the setpoint to the target immediately.
Hold: Maintain the current setpoint for the specified period of time.
5. Once you add a step, you can then go back and edit, delete, or move it
up or down in the step list.
6. Click “OK” to save the test. The new test will now be available in the “Start
Test” dialog box.