OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
5. Set the parameters for the test:
Press the “Scroll” button to select a parameter to edit. Then use the up
and down arrows to modify the value of that parameter.
a. Set the following parameters for each test:
- Ramp Units: Seconds, Minutes, Hours
- Cycles: The number of times to repeat the test.
b. You must choose a Segment Type for each segment in the test.
The Segment Type will determine the parameters available for that
Increase the setpoint by a certain rate (Ramp Rate)
- Target SP: The end temperature or pressure for the segment
- Ramp Rate: The rate of increase for the setpoint. For example,
if Ramp Units is set to minutes, and Ramp Rate is set to 5, the
temperature setpoint will increase by 5° per minute.
Increase the setpoint over a certain time (Ramp Time)
- Target SP: The end temperature or pressure for the segment
- Duration: The amount of time it will take to increase the setpoint to
the target.
Hold the current setpoint.
- Duration: The amount of time to hold the current setpoint.
Increase the setpoint immediately. No ramp is involved.
- Target SP: The end temperature or pressure for the segment.
The final segment in every test must be End.
- End Type: Dwell is recommended. This will hold the current
setpoint until the test is stopped.
The display is split into two areas. The top area shows the temperature channel
while the bottom shows the pressure channel. Before starting a manual test,
both the temperature and pressure channels must be in auto mode:
1. Press the “Scroll” button to move the selector around the screen. When
the selector is above the dividing line, the temperature channel is selected.
When it is below the dividing line, the pressure channel is selected.
2. Press the “A/MAN” button to toggle the selected channel between auto
and manual mode.
In the temperature channel, the word “MAN” will appear at the top of the
display to indicate manual mode. This word will disappear in auto mode.
In the pressure channel, the word “Man” will appear on the left-hand side
of the display. This word will change to “Aut” in auto mode.