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FitBike 1 BU

Instructions / Manual / Maintenance


Please read all instructions carefully before using this product. Retain this manual for future 
reference. The specifications of this product may vary slightly from the illustrations and are 
subject to change without notice.


Make sure you read and fully understand this instruction manual.
It is the user's responsibility to read and understand all potential hazards of the FitBike.
Consult a physician before you begin a new exercise program. If you experience pain, or 
you feel faint, short of breath or dizzy, stop exercising and consult a physician. Incorrect 
or excessive use of this machine can result in injury.
Your exercise bike should be operated on a stable, level surface.
Mount and dismount your exercise bike carefully.
Keep loose clothing, untied shoelaces, jewelry and towels away from the bike pedals.
This machine is not a toy. Keep children away from this exercise bike, especially while in 
use. Children should be taught to never put their fingers near any moving parts on this 
machine. Minors should not use this product, since it is built and intended for adults.
Remain seated while using bike - do not stand on pedals.
Maximum weight capacity of this bike is 242 lbs (110 kg).
