COMPACT 7600 Periodic Maintenance, 00-878852-01
6. Radiographic / Fluoro Verification/Alignment
6.1 Verify/Adjust Beam Alignment
Steps within this procedure produce X-rays. Use appropriate precautions.
Refer to the BEAM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE section of the COMPACT 7600 Service Manual
(00-878850-01) for instructions on verifying and adjusting the beam alignment.
6.2 Verify/Adjust Fluoroscopic Camera Alignment
WARNING This procedure produces X-rays. Take appropriate precautions.
Refer to the CAMERA ALIGNMENT section of the COMPACT 7600 Service Manual (00-878850-
01) for instructions on verifying and adjusting the fluoro beam alignment.
The camera resolution and kV/mA tracking specifications are listed below.
1mm Copper Filters
kV Range
mA Range
1 filter
2 filters
3 filters
Field Size
Minimum Resolution
1.4 lp/mm
1.8 lp/mm
6.3 Perform Entrance Exposure Calibration Test
The tests in this section are designed to ensure compliance with the 10.0 R/minute entrance
exposure limitation set by the Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH).
Refer to the MA CALIBRATION section of the COMPACT 7600 Service Manual (00-878850-01)
for instructions on verifying and adjusting the entrance exposure.
7. Cleanup
1. Replace all covers on the system and wipe down the system.
2. Reboot and verify system operation.
8. Complete PM Form
1. Verify that all information blocks have been completed.
2. Verify that each procedural step has been circled or a value recorded.
3. Attach all films to the Periodic Maintenance Form cover.
4. Sign and date the PM Form.
5. Obtain the customer signature and date. Leave the customer's copy.
6. Mail the PM form to: OEC Medical Systems, Inc. Attention Technical Support, 384 Wright
Brothers Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
NOTE: OEC Regional Service offices may require the completed PM form and films to be routed
through their offices prior to being forwarded to OEC Medical Systems, Inc. in Salt Lake City.
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