COMPACT 7600 Periodic Maintenance, 00-878852-01
6COMPACT 7600 Pe
18.Press the Auto-Histo button
repeatedly and verify that the LED turns on and off. Verify
that when the Auto-Histo is active (LED on) the x-ray images are optimized for contrast and
brightness automatically
19.Press the Low Dose button
repeatedly and verify that the LED turns on and off. Verify
that when Low Dose is active (LED on) the technique is reduced in comparison to a normal Auto
Fluoro exposure.
20.Press and hold the Alarm Reset button
for at least 2 seconds and verify that the
accumulated fluoro time shown on the display is cleared to zero.
21.Verify that fluoro x-rays can be taken using the footswitch. Verify that film exposures cannot be
taken using the footswitch.
22. Press the Fast Stop
button and verify that power is immediately interrupted.
5. Generator Accuracy Verification/Calibration
5.1 Verify X-Ray Calibration
Refer to the KV CALIBRATION and MA CALIBRATION section of the COMPACT 7600 Service
Manual (00-878850-01) for instructions on checking the kV and mA. The table below lists the techniques
to check and the tolerances allowed. If any portion of the Generator Accuracy Verification fails to meet
specifications proceed to section 5.2 (Perform X-Ray Calibration) of the PM procedure.
Manual Fluoro @ 60kV
10% of displayed mA
Manual Fluoro @ 70kV
10% of displayed mA
Manual Fluoro @ 80kV
10% of displayed mA
Manual Fluoro @ 90kV
10% of displayed mA
Manual Fluoro @ 100kV
10% of displayed mA
Manual Fluoro @ 110kV
10% of displayed mA
If the Calibration Accuracy Verification passes proceed to section 6. (Radiographic and Fluoro
Verification/Alignment) of the PM procedure.
5.2 Perform X-Ray Calibration
Refer to the KV CALIBRATION and MA CALIBRATION section of the COMPACT 7600 Service
Manual (00-878850-01) for instructions on performing the generator calibration.
After performing the generator calibration repeat section 5.1 of the PM procedure. If any portion of the
Generator Accuracy Verification fails to meet specifications contact Technical Support before continuing
with the PM. If the Generator Accuracy Verification passes proceed to section 6. (Radiographic and
Fluoro Verification/Alignment) of the PM procedure.
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