4 Safety In
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Instruction Manual Corvis® ST (G/72100/XXXX/EN 1019 Rev01)
Do not use the Corvis® ST with wireless technology, for example with
wireless USB
To ensure cyber security in order to the usage of the device, the following
security measures should be considered. Contact your computer
Precautions for access control of the computer
Secure the computer with a password (for example at Windows start
Choose a complex password: A good password should be at least
eight characters long and are not in the dictionary. In addition to
letters, it should also include numbers and special characters.
Do not choose a name or device name for a password (for example
Change the password regularly.
Do not note the password in an accessible location.
Use different passwords for different users.
Enable the screen saver and use the option for the necessity of re-
entering the password when exit the screen saver.
Choose an adequate time setting for starting the screen saver if
software session is inactive (e.g. 10 minutes). Adequate time setting
should consider duration of examination, number of patients, time
between examinations, use of other devices in the examination
room, several user, etc.
Lock the computer if you are leaving the workstation (shortcut:
‘windows logo key’ + ‘L’).
Precautions if the computer is connected to a LAN or internet network
Prefer wired connections of the computer to the network.
If you are using Wi-Fi connections nevertheless, please ensure the
usage of adequate security methods (for example WPA2/AES – Wi-
Fi Protected Access / Advanced Encryption Standard – with a strong
network key).
The usage of a firewall (software or hardware) is recommended.
Recommendation: Use anti-malware tools with up to date malware
Also observe the regulations, notes and recommendations of the
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
for the protection of
critical infrastructures.