Converting to LP or Natural Gas (cont’d)
Step 3:
1.Locate and remove the aluminum cap on the fuel control by unscrew-
ing the cap off. Note: the position of the marker on the shaft of the rotary knob.
This mark will point to Nat. or Lp that indicates the type of gas the valve is set
2. To convert the fuel control from Natural Gas setting simply push in the
rotary knob and rotate 90º. Note: The marker will now point to lp and the shaft
will stay in.
3. To convert the fuel control from LP setting simply push in the rotary
knob and rotate 90º. Note: the marker will now point to NAT and the shaft will
stay out.
4. After the conversion has been made check the outlet pressure with a
manometer. The factory setting on the internal regulator is 5” wc natural and
10.5” wc propane.
5. Replace the aluminum cover cap.
Step 4:
Locate on the control the screw that says "pilot adj" and adjust flame
height using a small flathead screwdriver. To lower the flame screw in clockwise
until a flame height of 1.5" is achieved. To raise the flame height screw out
counter-clockwise until a flame height of 1.5" is achieved. This adjustment only
affects the flame height of the pilot burner. If you experience the pilot burner
blowing out too often you will need to raise the pilot burner flame height until it
maintains a decent flame.
NOTE: This heater is only rated for winds up to
15 mph. Trying to use heater in stronger winds can cause flame out, dam-
age to heater, property or serious bodily injury.
Step 5:
Operate heater under normal load and check all of the gas fittings that
were loosened and tightened with a soapy water solution. If no leaks are pres-
ent re-attach access panel and operate as described in previous sections.